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Flipping your classroom and adding a new and innovative perspective to ...

Flipping your classroom and adding a new and innovative perspective to your lessons

This course is a kind of teacher training course which aims to support school staffs with a new and innovative approach namely flipping their classes integrating ICT (Information and Communication Technology) based learning in their personal and professional development and school environment in line with priorities of Erasmus Plus Program.

Part of the paradigm shift that flipping lessons will create is how teachers plan their lessons. Traditionally in education teachers plan lessons in this order: objectives, lecture, assessment. Teachers put together their learning objectives/outcomes, then they plan out how they will explain the material to the students through lecture and then finish off the planning process by coming up with assessments. The more typical assessments were exams and papers, with some group projects here thrown in the mix. When designing a flipped lesson it's important that teachers take a different approach since the entire delivery process is changing.

Backward design is a lesson planning process that occurs in this order: objectives, assessment, lecture. It's always important to plan out objectives/outcomes first because they are the guideline to what we want our students to get out of the lesson. Objective writing in another sense is weeding out the necessary information from the not so necessary information. It's important to plan the assessment next because we are turning our students out on their own to listen to lectures. If our in-class assessment/activity isn't well thought out and weak, the flipped lesson will be as well. So immediately after you plan out your objectives create an assessment/activity that is a direct reflection of your objectives. Once you have the first two steps planned, then create the lecture media. This process will be easy because by now you'll have your thoughts well organized and the assessment/activity already planned out. All you have to do now is deliver to them the information that they need to be prepared for their assessment.

As a course provider, we want to develop the teachers’ professional skills, and introduce to appropriate websites related to 21st-century teaching methods focusing on creative thinking with interactive and inspiring workshops in a friendly atmosphere. Goals of today’s lessons;

-          Apply technology to create media for the flipped lesson

-          Identify what technologic resources are available to the students

-          Create a media lecture and upload it into the Sophia.org tutorial

-          Emphasize the importance of including notes, worksheets, .PDF files etc. to supplement the lesson media

This course will offer to you:

·         Modernisation of your teaching style

·         Developing a school policy plan on flipping lessons integrating ICT tools to the school curriculum

·         Write your learning objectives

·         Plan how you will assess students

·         Create lessons using technology to present knowledge

·         Find out the ways to create flipped classroom lessons

·         Manage time to assess learning objectives through

·         flipping the classroom assessments

·         Understand how the flipped classroom provides an environment for individualized learning

·         Create a lesson plan for the assessment that will be performed in the classroom

·         Cover the different types of activities a teacher can use to assess their flipped lesson

·         Get the gist of Differentiated Classroom

·         Find out the basis of differentiating assessment ways and methods

·         Understand the importance of group dynamic

·         Introduce you to ICT skills and pedagogical skills

·         Utilization of ICT in your teaching

·         Develop positive attitudes towards ICT on the part of teachers and principals

·         Use of a virtual learning environment

·         Improve  your own teaching methods in relation to technology

·         Manage and integrate ICT in your lessons

·         Develop your ICT skills and make use of various Web 2.0 Technology tools and programmes. You will be given the opportunity to try out and have practice and get feedback all the programmes introduced to you.

·         Adapt of the use of the tools to your teaching & learning situations & contexts

·         Focus on effective teaching strategies that encourage the active involvement of all students in productive educational

·         Tips for how to develop strategies to improve the educational quality of the school.

For more information and registration please send an email at info@easyerasmus.com

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