RE-EMPOWERING_Community Version: Building Resilience and Empowerment in Local Communities Salto Training Course in Italy

Training Course 3-11 March 2017 | Dolo, Italy

RE-EMPOWERING_Community Version: Building Resilience and Empowerment in Local Communities

Immigration is a hot topic in Europe and is having an impact on each of us. How can we respond to it as a community and not only as individual? What is the role that youth workers can play? This TC aims to answer to these questions!


Associazione Work in Progress (NGO/Others)

This activity is for participants from:

Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Portugal, Romania, Turkey

Application deadline:

5 February 2017

RE-EMPOWERING_Community Version: Building Resilience and Empowerment in Local Communities

Training Course

3-11 March 2017 | Dolo, Italy

Immigration is a hot topic in Europe and is having an impact on each of us. How can we respond to it as a community and not only as individual? What is the role that youth workers can play? This TC aims to answer to these questions!

In the last years we have been focusing a lot on self-development and individual pro-cesses. We also live in a very individualistic society and in an ego-centred culture, where the satisfaction of the individual needs come first. Nowadays, Europe is living one of the biggest immigration phenomenon, while many countries have not recovered from the economical crises. The consequence is that much more people want to access to a limited amount of resources.
How do we deal with collective needs and rights? How can we respond to it as a com-munity and not only as individual? What is the role that youth workers can play?
This TC aims to answer to these questions!
The objectives of the training course are:
– to promote an open and creative training environment for non-formal learning;
– to support participants in getting familiar with the concept of resilience and empo-werment;
– to improve participants’ competences in supporting community empowering pro-cess
– to support participants in mastering new empowerment and resilience tool
– to experiment a concrete strategy of community empowerment by working with a group of asylum seekers and migrants
– to improve participants’s abilities in devoloping a learning activity
– to promote the exchange of good practices and the network in the social area.
This training course is very special… the peculiarity:
This training is very special, since during the week together we will have the chance to work with a group of migrants that live in Italy during three afternoons. You will be divided in 3 groups and each group will take care of developing, preparing and implement one activity to be realized having this group of migrants+ the rest of the group of participants that are not involved as target. We know it is challenging!!! But we (the trainers) and the other participants are here to support this amazing process happening!! We believe that training courses should not be a big bubble, but a safe environment where to experiment and develop new competences!!
The topics of the activities will be: empowerment of individuals, intercultural learning, community empowerment and social inclusion. That is why you are asked what is your preference while fulfilling the application form: we recommend to choose up to 2 topics you will be interested in working in as facilitator! The skype meeting in the week before the training course is meant to get to know the other members of the group you will work with and brainstorm; during the first days of the training you will have time to finalize the preparation of the activity with the support of the trainers too.

The Trainers
Giulia Mastropirro (IT), trainer, counselor, and coordinator of education projects for sev-eral Italian organisations.
Karlis Visa (LV), social worker, supervisor, expert of social inclusion.

Click here for more information and registration

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