Turkish National Agency announced the results for Mobility Project for Adult Education Staff. Here is the link for the funded project. ka1adulteducationturkey ka1adulteducationreserveturkey www.ua.gov.tr/
Lithuanian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… Döntés a 2016_02_02_ határidőre
Austrian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… Liste_Homepage_KA1_SB_Antragsrunde_2016 Liste_Homepage_KA1_BB_2016_Charta-Träger_nicht_ausgewiesen evaluation-committee-results Auswahlliste_KA_1_Erwachsenenbildung_2016_Webseite
Spanish National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka104, Ka105, Ka107, Ka108, Ka116 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… SPAINKA101RESULTS SPAINKA102RESULTS
Romanian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… ka101romaniaresults ka103romaniaresults ka104resultsromania ka105resultsromania