Hungarian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… ka1_ae_2016_honlapra ka1_mobilitasi_projektek_2016 ka1_ae_2016_honlapra erasmusplus_ka1_vet_2016_eredmenyek
Czech republic National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… Výsledky_výzvy_KA1_2016_držitelé_VET_Charter Výsledek výběrového řízení
Bulgarian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… resultati ka1 se ka102 2016
Polish National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… ka101polandresults ka102vetpolandresults ka103polandresults ka104resultpoland
Romanian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… ka101romaniaresults ka103romaniaresults ka104resultsromania ka105resultsromania