Romanian National Agency has announced the Ka101 results for 2nd of February 2017. Total 370 applications have been applied to the Romanian Agency. 76 of them has been
Polish National Agency has announced the Ka101 results for 2nd of February 2017. Total 615 applications have been applied to the Romanian Agency. 172 of them has been approved
Turkish National Agency announced the results for Mobility Project for Adult Education Staff. Here is the link for the funded project. ka1adulteducationturkey ka1adulteducationreserveturkey
Cyprus National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results cypruska1results cypruska105results
Belgium National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results belgiumka1results
Lithuanian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… Döntés a 2016_02_02_ határidőre
Hungarian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… ka1_ae_2016_honlapra ka1_mobilitasi_projektek_2016 ka1_ae_2016_honlapra erasmusplus_ka1_vet_2016_eredmenyek
Czech republic National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… Výsledky_výzvy_KA1_2016_držitelé_VET_Charter Výsledek výběrového řízení
Bulgarian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… resultati ka1 se ka102 2016
Austrian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… Liste_Homepage_KA1_SB_Antragsrunde_2016 Liste_Homepage_KA1_BB_2016_Charta-Träger_nicht_ausgewiesen evaluation-committee-results Auswahlliste_KA_1_Erwachsenenbildung_2016_Webseite
Spanish National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka104, Ka105, Ka107, Ka108, Ka116 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… SPAINKA101RESULTS SPAINKA102RESULTS
Romanian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… ka101romaniaresults ka103romaniaresults ka104resultsromania ka105resultsromania
Finnish National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… 79512_KA102-116_verkkoon 79472_wwwTulokset2016KA1 79372_Hyvaksytyt_webbiin 79316_2016_Paatos_YIA-R1_hyvaksytyt_verkkoon
Crotian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results… 1462361656_privitak-odluke-ka1-ae-scan 1462196200_04-privitak-odluci 1462193859_05-02-privitak-odluke-now-valid-11-5-2015 1461749389_privitak-i-odluci-ka103-2016
226 Erasmus+ KA1 projects deadline 24 March 2014 have been approved by United Kingdom National Agency. Here is the link for the approved projects. 24032014 KA101 Schools funded