Spanish National Agency has announced the results for Erasmus+ Ka210 and Ka220. Here you can find the results from Spanish National Agency. KA210 sch…/report_provisional-2021-KA210-SCH-a.pdf Ka220 sch…/report_provisional-2021-KA220-SCH-a.pdf Ka210
Spanish National Agency has announced KA229 Results for 2019. Here you can find the list of approved projects.
Italian National Agency has announced the results for the projects which are coordinated by other countries but have partner school from Italy. So you are lucky if you
Spanish National Agency has announced the KA2 Results for 2017. Total 126 Projects for KA219 have been funded by Spanish National Agency in 2017. Here you can find
Spanish National Agency has announced the Ka2 Results for 2016. Here you can find some information from Spanish National Agency Website Listados de solicitudes seleccionadas, en lista de
Almost all European National Agencies have finished to evaluate application forms applied by teachers all around Europe. Some of them have already published the results for Erasmus+ KA1,