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Don’t give up and catch your dreams

Course Title

Don’t give up and catch your dreams

Course Provider

Anatolia Education and Consultation with PIC: 924693047

Webpage: http://www.anatolia-ec.com


 (changes are possible)

24-30 July 2017, Antalya, Turkey

23-29 October 2017, Madrid, Spain

General information( Main topics of this course)

Reducing the average European rate of early school leavers to less than 10% by 2020 is one of the education headline targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy1 . Investment in the educational achievement of young people is essential for the employment prospects of every young person. It is important for the growth of our economy and for social cohesion, especially at a time when the current financial and economic crisis is having a serious impact on young people and their families. Investing in education helps to break the cycle of deprivation and poverty leading to the social exclusion of too many young people across Europe.

In June 2011, the Education Council adopted a Recommendation on policies to reduce early school leaving (ESL). It highlights the need for evidence-based and comprehensive policies to reduce ESL. In order to be effective, policies against ESL need to address all levels of education. They should be cross-sectoral and involve stakeholders from different policy areas such as youth, social/welfare, employment and health. They should focus on prevention, intervention and compensation:

- Prevention seeks to avoid the conditions from arising where processes leading to ESL can start.

Intervention addresses emerging difficulties at an early stage and seeks to prevent them from leading to ESL.

- Compensation measures offer opportunities for education and training for those who have dropped out.

This approach requires a shift from implementing individual ESL measures to introducing comprehensive policies. In December 2011, a Thematic Working Group on Early School Leaving was established to help European countries implement such comprehensive policies. The Thematic Working Group (TWG) consisted of policy makers, practitioners and experts from 27 EU Member States. Representatives from Norway, Iceland, Turkey, and from key European stakeholder organisations were also members of the group. The objective of the TWG was to support Member States design and develop comprehensive policies on ESL. To this end, the TWG collected and exchanged information on effective policies to reduce ESL. Activities included peer-learning visits to the Netherlands and France and a peer review event in Brussels in March 2013.

This course will offer

This course will offer to you :

-       A discussion on the definition of ESL.

-       A summary of the challenge of defining ESL.

-       a brief overview of the current situation in Europe.

-       Representing the key challenges, the scale of the problem and main factors leading to ESL across Europe.

-       the concept of ’comprehensive policies’ to reduce ESL

-       a discussion on the key characteristics of successful policies.

-       a checklist on comprehensive policies as a self-assessment tool.

-       2012 ESL rates in the EU based on Eurostat data.

-       Presentations of practice examples from European countries represented

Objectives of the course (Learning Outcomes)

·         To respond to the needs of teacher’s personal and professional development skills in prevention of early school leaving

·         To improve trainees’ knowledge in National policies to reduce ESL in many European Countries

·         To ensure a coherent, systemic and coordinated approach, the exchange of good practices and the efficient use of resources

·         To understand strong coordination and cooperation between national, regional and local actors

·         To get aware of important elements of a sustainable and comprehensive strategy including; a coordinating body, a progressive approach, local and national adaptation, awareness raising and training, sustainable funding, monitoring and evaluation

·         To get familiar with the strategies of active involvement and cooperation of skateholders at national, regional, local and school level

·         To learn about the important elements for successful cooperation within the context of ESL including Inter-agency or inter-institutional arrangements, Central role of schools, Involvement of pupils and parents, Learning Cooperation

·         To understand the scope and reasons behind ESL

·         To get competences to design and implement targeted policies against ESL

·         To follow characteristics of the education and training system can help reduce obstacles to completing upper secondary education;

- Access to good quality early childhood education and care (ECEC);

- Relevant and engaging curriculum;

- Flexible educational pathways;

- Better integration of newly arrived migrant children;

- Smooth transition between different levels of education;

- High quality, attractive and engaging vocational education and training (VET);

- Involvement of pupils and parents in school decision-making;

- Initial and continuous education for education staff

- Whole school approaches;

- Strong and well-developed guidance system;

- Cooperation with the world of work

·         To define intervention measures such as;

-       Early Warning Systems (EWS)

-       Systemic support frameworks within schools

-       Focus on the needs of the individual pupil

-       Extra-curricular and out-of-school activities to enrich the learning offer

-       Support to teachers

-       Empower families and parents to support their children's education

-       Raise parental awareness of ESL

Competences acquired

Competences acquired  are:

·         To develop a vision on how to prevent early school leaving

·         To get knowledge/skills/attitude of teachers, trainers and administrators of the students who have a tendency to give up their training process

·         To know comprehensive way requiring a critical revision of the entire education and training system

·         To get a collective sense of responsibility and action for the benefit of the individual, of Member States, for Europe and for financial and social reasons.

·         To gain experience in an international learning environment.

·         To list the needs and problems in the ESL

·         To develop a sample of new international school policy related to the subject matter

·         To be acquainted with and know how to support and encourage some other skate holders to reduce early school leaving

·         To set up and maintain cross curricular cooperation

·         To coach colleagues about fostering quality improvements of their teaching style and dissemination of good practices and developing school policy

European Development Plan

We have created this course for you in the line with priorities of Erasmus Plus Program. Please emphasize the below items which are the parts of Erasmus Plus Program while you are writing your European Development Plan in your proposal form.

v  European added value of Erasmus+ foster quality improvements, innovation excellence and internationalisation at the level of education and training institutions, in particular through enhanced transnational cooperation between education and training providers improve the level of key competences and skills, better use of EU transparency and recognition tools and the dissemination of good practices.

v  The course chosen by you  is expected to bring positive and long-lasting effects on the participants and participating organisations involved

v  As regards students, trainees, apprentices, young people and volunteers, the mobility activities supported under this Key Action mobility  are meant to produce the following outcomes:

·         Improved learning performance;

·         enhanced employability and improved career prospects;

·         increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;

·         increased self-empowerment and self-esteem;

·         improved foreign language competences;

·         enhanced intercultural awareness;

·         more active participation in society;

·         better awareness of the European project and the EU values;

·         increased motivation for taking part in future (formal/non-formal) education or training after the mobility period abroad.

·         improved competences, linked to their professional profiles (teaching, training, youth work, etc.);

·         broader understanding of practices, policies and systems in education, training or youth across countries;

·         increased capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernisation and international opening within their educational organisations;

·         greater understanding of interconnections between formal and non-formal education

·         better quality of their work and activities in favour of students, trainees, apprentices, pupils,

·         greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity;

·         increased ability to address the needs of the disadvantaged;

·         increased support for and promotion of mobility activities for learners;

·         increased opportunities for professional and career development;

·         improved foreign language competences;

·         increased motivation and satisfaction in their daily work.

v  Activities supported under this Action are also expected to produce the following outcomes on participating organisations:

·         innovative and improved way of operating towards their target groups, by providing for example: more attractive programmes for students, trainees, apprentices, young people and volunteers in line with their needs and expectations; improved qualifications of teaching and training staff; improved processes of recognition and validation of competences gained during learning periods abroad

·         more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside the organisation: ready to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities; open to synergies with organisations active in different social, educational and employment fields; planning strategically the professional development of their staff in relation to individual needs and organisational objectives; if relevant, capable of attracting excellent students and academic staff from all over the world.

v  Aims of the mobility projects:

·         support learners in the acquisition of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) with a view to improving their personal development

·         increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of organisations active in the education, training and youth fields so that they are able to offer activities and programmes that better respond to the needs of individuals, within and outside Europe

·         reinforce synergies and transitions between formal, non-formal education, vocational training, employment and entrepreneurship;

·         ensure a better recognition of competences gained through the learning periods abroad.

Why you should take this course?


·         this course will be held in Turkey, as one of the countries which faces the obstacles and challenges of integration of migrant students into the education and social environment at a high level,

·         The Erasmus+ Programme aims at promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating the access to participants with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities compared to their peers whenever disadvantage limits or prevents participation in transnational activities for reasons such as;

 - disability (i.e. participants with special needs;

 -educational difficulties: young people with learning difficulties; early school-leavers; low qualified adults; young people with poor school performance;

- economic obstacles: people with a low standard of living, low income, dependence on social welfare system or homeless; young people in long-term unemployment or poverty; people in debt or with financial problems;

- cultural differences: immigrants or refugees or descendants from immigrant or refugee families; people belonging to a national or ethnic minority; people with linguistic adaptation and cultural inclusion difficulties;

Considering the objectives and content of the course programme this course is directly related to the priority of “equility and inclusion” of disadvantaged group. With the help of the course the participants will have a chance to deal with the subject matter in various aspects and try to find out new and innovative methods to overcome the problem at many levels starting with the educational institutional level, local level,national and international levels.

·         this course will be an opportunity to respond  your professional and personal development with the line with Erasmus Plus Program  priority.

·         it is a course that will transform your deficiencies into positive with European added value.

Target group

All kind of teachers, trainers, educators


We will focus on  practical and skills-based -interactive learning, immediate feedbacks, hands-on activities and

inspiring discussions on best practices.

The participants will role play the sample situations to understand the psychological effects of being migrants in a different country.

In the frame of the programme the participants are required to write their own school policies by brainstorming in group dynamics.


Before the course,

·         A detailed pre-course questionnaire to indicate their level of experience, teaching backgrounds and training will be completed by participants.

·         They will also prepare a presentation to reflect their own teaching method.

·         A closed Facebook group will be created for getting knows each other of all participants and to share practical information.


A course participation certificate will be given to all participants.

A Europass CV will be filled together according skills and competences gained   during the course  by participants.

Post course support

Participants will be invited to Facebook page which updated information shared.

The course fee includes

490 Euro (7 days)

Course venue


Brussels, BELGIUM

Amsterdam, HOLLAND

Barcelona, SPAIN

Milano, ITALY

Afyonkarahisar, Antalya, Izmir TURKEY

Promotion film of Turkey



Promotion film of Antalya



·         Participants are actively involved in all sessions and immediate feedback given where appropriate.

·         Their own  daily evaluation  report  will be written by themselves

·         The course ends with an evaluation session

·         A post questionnaire to indicate their level of experience during the course will be completed by participants.


Participants will be delivered soft and hard copies of all lesson materials, which they can review at their leisure in addition to presenting them to their colleagues at their own institutions.

A mailing list of participants and also a Facebook page will be created in order to exchange ideas/experiences with collaborative and group work.

Practical information

After confirmation of the course (venue, accommodations, transport etc.) And we will ask you to fill in a document related to arrival and departure dates / time of you.

We will give some information about hotels in different price categories, but participants are free in choice of hotel and restaurants.

To find out more:

Email us at: anatoliaec@gmail.com

Visit: http://www.anatoliaec.com

LinKedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anatolia-education-and-consulting-a9860710b?trk=hp-identity-name

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010621543383

For more information and registration please send an email at info@easyerasmus.com

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