The Eurydice network primarily focuses on the way education in Europe is structured and organised at all levels and aims at contributing towards a better mutual understanding of systems in Europe. It provides those responsible for education systems and policies in Europe with European-level comparative analyses and national specific information in the fields of education and youth, which will assist them in their decision-making.

The Eurydice Network produces a vast source of information, including detailed descriptions and overviews of national education systems (National Education systems and Policies), comparative thematic reports devoted to specific topics of Community interest (Thematic Reports), indicators and statistics (Key Data Series), and a series of facts and figures related to education, such as national education structures, school calendars, comparison of teacher salaries and of required taught time for countries and education levels (Facts and Figures).

It consists of a central coordinating unit located at the Executive Agency and national units based in all Erasmus+ Programme Countries plus Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia

More information is available on the website of the Executive Agency.

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