Innovative skills in ICT through collaborative and project-based teaching and learning

The course is designed to help teachers realize the potential of innovative methodology using collaborative work in everyday classroom practice by investigating the added value of project-based approach. This course is intended for anyone with a desire to increase their proficiency in using a practical methodology which brings technology into the classroom. The course content is not limited to teachers of a specific subject. On the contrary it is open to teachers of all subjects and levels. The aim of the course is to enable participants to use activities using  through a methodology based on collaborative work such as Webquests/eTwining which will support and enhance language interdisciplinary inquiry and the use and creation of a collaborative teaching methodology. Besides the introduction to the appropriate methodology a Strategic Partnership under Erasmus+ will be implemented.



Before the training, selected participants will be invited to fill in a questionnaire in which they can present their respective views on the training. Prior to the start of the course, participants will receive recommended reading and course material and tutorials relevant to the course contents. They will also receive practical information for the course and a Guide about Alcalá de Henares and other places to visit.




Provide teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate collaborative work into their existing lessons.

Providing general information about project-based work within various classes

Defining WebQuests usage in education with its benefits, provide teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate them into their
existing lessons.

Giving a space for exchange of experiences and good practices among participants  from different countries

Developing actively and constructively students’ involvement in the work at class;

Encouraging students to take the ownership of their own learning;

Improving teamwork by stimulating the necessary skills to start up a strategic partnership (KA2) under Erasmus+;

Exchanging experiences in cooperative and collaborative learning process as long as in creativity and

Sharing of best practice in teaching and learning, enabling teachers to become confident and competent enough to create a collaborative,
interactive classroom experience for their students.



Coursework will contain a mix of theoretical and practical knowledge. Participants will be given the theoretical information that they need to effectively create  and implement their own learning solutions. Using this theoretical knowledge, they will then complete several practical tasks designed to demonstrate the  importance of collaborative work.

    Follow up

Cervantes Training will send more materials to participants after the course to guide insitutions to implement course contents into their institutions. We will be available for consults via email to clarify doubts, offer advice after the course.


 Enrolment Fees: 490 Euros*- Course Price includes: Registration Fees and tuition for the course -7 days-, Course Material- before and after the course, dossier with information material about Alcalá de Henares, City Guided Tour and entrance to The Cervantes Birthplace Museum, Certificate of Attendance with learning outcomes and Europass (Europass is issued upon request).

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