Lithuanian National Agency KA2 Results

Lithuanian National Agency has announced the results for KA2. Here you can find the list of approved projects. You can download the list from the link provided here or you can check the list on this page

List of Approved projects from Lithuania National Agency

Finansuojamų projektų sąrašas
Nr. Projekto numeris Organizacijos pavadinimas Organizacijos adresas Projekto pavadinimas Projekto santrauka (anglų kalba) Skiriama dotacija €
1 2016-1-AT01-KA219-016674_3 Lazdijų Motiejaus Gustaičio gimnazija Vytauto g. 13, 67122 Lazdijai Sound of Europe – we are making radio In times of decreasing cohesion and solidarity between European countries and regions it´s getting more and more 19 940,00

2 2016-1-BG01-KA219-023648_5 Kelmės lopšelis-darželis „Ąžuoliukas“ Birutės g. 9, 86142 Kelmė Traditions, Reality, Education, Entertainment The project is aimed at creating an educational product – book-game “Ant, the Traveller’s Journey”This playful approach 10 620,00
3 2016-1-BG01-KA219-023733_2 Šiaulių r. Kuršėnų lopšelis-darželis „Buratinas“ Daugėlių g. 74, 81121 Kuršėnai, Šiaulių r. Let’s celebrate together One of the priorities in the European world is the promotion of multilingualism and multiculturalism. The current 12 120,00
4 2016-1-BG01-KA219-023751_5 Vilniaus r. Rudaminos Ferdinando Ruščico gimnazija Gamyklos g. 64, 13249 Rudamina Next step of social life learning through English The aim of our common project “The next step of social life through English”is to develop teachers and pupils’ language 17 325,00
5 2016-1-BG01-KA219-023796_6 Šiaulių Ragainės progimnazija Tilžės g. 85, 78113 Šiauliai WATER IN OUR WORLD CONETEXThe project “Water in our World” (WOW) is designed to develop new attitude, skills and competences 21 970,00
6 2016-1-CZ01-KA219-023897_2 Kėdainių specialioji mokykla J. Basanavičiaus g. 99, 57351 Kėdainiai Let´s help Our project aims to show our pupils how important is diversity in ordinary life, communication and to accept the responsibility 13 075,00
7 2016-1-DE03-KA219-022831_3 Šiaulių „Saulėtekio“ gimnazija Lieporių g. 2, 78244 Šiauliai Schulerfolg wird entscheidend durch das Wohlbefinden der Schüler in ihrem schulischen Umfeld und damit einhergehende 18 645,00
8 2016-1-DE03-KA219-022865_7 Panevėžio Kazimiero Paltaroko gimnazija Vysk. K. Paltaroko g. 18, 35232 Panevėžys Wir fördern Integration – Aim to integration Students’ well-being and its associated motivation decisively determine performance at school. In the 21st century 15 310,00
9 2016-1-DE03-KA219-022903_2 Klaipėdos Vydūno gimnazija Sulupės g. 26, 93219 Klaipėda Development of a job orientation program The topic integration and migration (emigration, escape) must be in the center of focus in our Erasmus+ project.There 18 250,00
10 2016-1-DE03-KA219-022909_5 Klaipėdos „Aukuro“ gimnazija Statybininkų pr. 7, 94237 Klaipėda Internationale Essentdecker auf Spurensuche At the time of the globalization of new technologies all countries have made great progress. But one thing hasn’t changed 22 050,00
11 2016-1-DE03-KA219-022934_5 VšĮ „Saulės“ privati gimnazija R. Jankausko g. 17, 04315 Vilnius Maths in Art Our project arose from joint desire of making learning and teaching Maths more effective. According to deep data 16 070,00
12 2016-1-DE03-KA219-022958_4 Šiaulių Lieporių gimnazija V. Grinkevičiaus g. 22, 78254 Šiauliai Stars in Europe The project “Stars in Europe” started with a rarely used telescope housed in an observatory cupola on top of a school. 20 920,00
13 2016-1-DE03-KA219-022963_2 Marijampolės Marijonų gimnazija Bendoriaus g. 11, 68309 Marijampolė A Shared Time for Reading in Europe This project has been developed on the basis of the need for improvement in basic skills for the pupils within our educational 26 110,00
14 2016-1-DE03-KA219-022994_5 Šilalės r. Pajūralio pagrindinė mokykla Liubarto g. 2, 75322 Pajūralio k., Kvėdarnos sen., Šilalės r. self-organised healthy sports Pupils are getting more and more inactive and health costs are rising – that is what we want to change! This intention 20 395,00
15 2016-1-DE03-KA219-023045_3 Joniškio r. Gataučių Marcės Katiliūtės mokykla Mokyklos g. 6, 84262 Gataučių k., Joniškio r. Jobortunities – Making Work for Young People Work! The project “Jobortunities – Making Work for Young People Work!” aims at preparing young students and refugees 23 500,00
16 2016-1-DE03-KA219-023057_5 Jurbarko r. Seredžiaus Stasio Šimkaus mokykla-daugiafunkcis centras J. Marcinkevičiaus g. 1, 74424 Jurbarko r. sav., Seredžiaus mstl. MUSIC TO FIRE SKILLS FOR BETTER MOTIVATION INTO EDUCATION This is an initiative that is arisen from EU Commission Strategy for 2020 in term of improving basic skills of new 21 070,00
17 2016-1-DE03-KA219-023075_2 Šiaulių Juliaus Janonio gimnazija Tilžės g. 137, 76348 Šiauliai Berufsorientierung und Lebensplanung in einer bewegenden Realität The project „Vocational guidance and life planning in a reality in motion“ adresses all those who cooperate in order 27 200,00
18 2016-1-DE03-KA219-023099_5 Kauno humanitarinė pagrindinė mokykla M. Gimbutienės g. 9, 52348 Kaunas Let’s Explore Europe – Together We Are One “Let’s explore Europe – Together We Are One” – with the help of this partnership teachers and other staff of all our 16 770,00
19 2016-1-EE01-KA219-017284_4 Mažeikių Gabijos gimnazija Gabijos takas 1, 89112 Mažeikiai F.I.L.M – Fantasy, Illusion, Learning, Making BackgroundThe history of creating films dates back to the 19th century. In every country this topic is tied with schools 20 360,00
20 2016-1-EL01-KA219-023473_7 Gargždų „Minijos“ progimnazija P. Cvirkos g. 25, 96134 Gargždai Multicultural Communication: Breaking Stereotypes Our program aims at creating incentives and conditions for getting to know the “other” and removing all forms of 19 800,00
21 2016-1-EL01-KA219-023728_5 Kauno Veršvų vidurinė mokykla Mūšos g. 6, 47176 Kaunas Art, Technology and Sport keep me bound to my School The main aim of this Project is to use Art, Technology and Sports as preventing tools against early school leaving 21 455,00
22 2016-1-ES01-KA219-024915_2 Vilniaus Mykolo Biržiškos gimnazija Taikos pr. 81, 05217 Vilnius Teaching And Learning Innovative Skills in Madrid And Vilnius Cesar Bona (Global Teacher Prize Finalist – this award has been dubbed the ‘Nobel Prize’ of teaching) said “the biggest 20 300,00
23 2016-1-ES01-KA219-024923_4 Šilalės r. Pajūrio Stanislovo Biržiškio gimnazija Dariaus ir Girėno g. 35, 75289 Pajūrio mstl., Šilalės r. Let’s Enjoy Dialoguing LED project stands for Let’s enjoy diloguing. There is no point in denying in a society where communication means 20 260,00
24 2016-1-ES01-KA219-024941_5 Vilniaus Pilaitės gimnazija Įsruties g. 3, 06218 Vilnius I Deserve As a Student: Building New Educational Environments in a Sustainable World The high school IES Cánovas del Castillo (Málaga) decided to propose this project with the conviction that its making 20 985,00
25 2016-1-ES01-KA219-024944_2 Šiaulių Lieporių gimnazija V. Grinkevičiaus g. 22, 78254 Šiauliai A contemporary look to 20th century Europe All the European educational systems include long courses about their national history in their curricula. Knowing 24 430,00
26 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025012_4 Šiaulių Sauliaus Sondeckio menų gimnazija P. Višinskio g. 35, 76351 Šiauliai Colorful Songs Inventiveness and creativity is postulated as a basic skill but, though creativity is an important concept, it is not worked 25 880,00
27 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025065_2 Vilkaviškio r. Sūdavos pagrindinė mokykla Arminų g. 1, 70465 Sūdavos k., Vilkaviškio r. COOPERATIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING TO CHANGE BEHAVIOUR: ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT AT SCHOOL This association involves four Schools: IES Val Miñor as coordinator (Galicia, Spain); VilaKavickio r. Sudavos pagrindine 18 170,00
28 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025074_2 Naujosios Akmenės Ramučių gimnazija Ramučių g. 5, 85159 Naujoji Akmenė Life on stage! – Performing to learn, learning to perform. This project develops in a bilingual school with a special focus on cooperative learning and learning projects. Within 8 080,00
29 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025088_6 Šakių „Berželio“ mokykla Gimnazijos g. 7, 71115 Šakiai HOOK ONTO HEALTHY LIFESTYLE! “Hook onto a Healthy Lifestyle” is a project which stems from the precept that food is an essential part of our lives. 13 270,00
30 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025110_2 Šilalės r. Laukuvos Norberto Vėliaus gimnazija Varnių g. 10A, 75409 Laukuva, Šilalės r. “ACTIVATE!” – Active and healthy lifestyle CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVESThe topic of the project, Healthy Lifestyle, comes as a result of data collected in the 23 470,00
31 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025125_4 VšĮ Klaipėdos licėjus Kretingos g. 44, 92317 Klaipėda THEATER AND COOPERATIVE WORK A. Context and Objectives The growing concern in Compulsory Secondary on school failure and the increasing behavioural 29 050,00
32 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025179_4 Vilniaus Tuskulėnų gimnazija Tuskulėnų g. 31, 09219 Vilnius Every Student is Important “Every Student is Important” Project will be coordinated Spain and the partners Lithuania, Cyprus and Turkey with 20 550,00
33 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025279_2 Prienų r. Stakliškių gimnazija Prienų g. 8, 59370 Stakliškės ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN SCHOOLS – CREATING NEW OPPORTUNITIES IN TEACHING AND EDUCATION This project is meant to be a follow up of the work and results obtained in the previous project “Preventing dropping 14 175,00
34 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025463_4 Kauno r. Garliavos Jonučių progimnazija Vasario 16-osios g. 8, 53216 Garliava, Kauno r. European survival through CLIL: the rule of 3s Our project “European survival: the rule of the 3 Rs” targets CLIL students from the different European participating 23 965,00
35 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025517_3 Telšių lopšelis-darželis „Berželis“ Kalno g. 20, 87131 Telšiai Walking to a more sustainable attitude. We are a group of 6 partners from Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Greece and Spain all interested in improving 12 490,00
36 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025532_3 Kėdainių r. Krakių Mikalojaus Katkaus gimnazija Kauno g. 26, 58251 Kėdainiai GO 4 EDUCATION: GET CONNECTED! Four countries participate in the project “Go 4 Education: get connected!”: Spain which is the coordinator of the project, 20 850,00
37 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025591_5 Ukmergės vaikų lopšelis-darželis „Eglutė“ Antakalnio g. 49A, 20155 Ukmergė TRAVELLING AROUND TALES AND STORIES Our Project is setting out in order to have a European perspective. In fact, there are seven countries members that 8 300,00
38 2016-1-ES01-KA219-025629_4 Vilniaus Jono Laužiko bendrojo lavinimo konsultacinis centras M.K. Čiurlionio g. 18A, 03104 Vilnius Magnemathicts. Pills to cure math colds Justification: The special needs of pupils who attend to a hospital school make necessary to have an amout of resources 14 305,00
39 2016-1-FI01-KA219-022650_3 Mažeikių Senamiesčio pagrindinė mokykla Vydūno g. 6, 89225 Mažeikiai Let’s develop entrepreneurship education together The 21st century global society and the difficult economic situation place challenging demands on younger generations 19 880,00
40 2016-1-FI01-KA219-022663_4 Klaipėdos Simono Dacho progimnazija Kuršių a. 2/3, 92127 Klaipėda Motion pictures at en exhibition In the project “Motion pictures at en exhibition” we will create a digitally based exhibition, inspired by Modest Mussorgsky’s 26 680,00
41 2016-1-FI01-KA219-022697_4 Vilniaus Simono Daukanto gimnazija J. Jasinskio g. 11, 01111 Vilnius Fostering Motivation to Competence Development This project is looking for changes in methodology that meet the demands in our national curriculums, such as learning 20 700,00
42 2016-1-FI01-KA219-022698_3 Vilniaus Vasilijaus Kačialovo gimnazija A.J. Povilaičio g. 1, 04335 Vilnius Stress-free and inspirational learning for a more effective European classroomThe project is an investigation into the teaching strategies which motivate students and reduce their anxiety in the 24 515,00
43 2016-1-FR01-KA219-023900_3 Širvintų r. Gelvonų vidurinė mokykla Šviesos g. 7, 19201 Gelvonai, Širvintų r. Fairplay4EU The project aims at using sport and especially football, its history and its practice throughout Europe, as a means to 20 375,00
44 2016-1-FR01-KA219-023901_3 Alytaus Panemunės pagrindinė mokykla A. Jonyno g. 10, 62372 Alytus Breaking barriers and Growing HEALTHY futures, A New Europe In the course of this project pupils from 6 European schools (France, UK, Slovakia, Italy, Poland and Lithuania) will 20 900,00
45 2016-1-FR01-KA219-023927_5 Kėdainių šviesioji gimnazija Didžioji g. 62, 57273 Kėdainiai “Green Jobs for our Planet Earth” This multilateral KA2 project entitled “Green Jobs for our Planet Earth” takes place in the field of secondary education. 16 005,00
46 2016-1-FR01-KA219-024120_2 Klaipėdos turizmo mokykla Taikos pr. 69, 94112 Klaipėda The Opportunities of Migration to Multicultural Europe Migration is one of the most topical and urgent issues that is being discussed on political as well as individual levels 24 880,00
47 2016-1-FR01-KA219-024130_2 Kelmės Jono Graičiūno gimnazija Raseinių g. 1, 86140 Kelmė Pedago-geeks – Learning and teaching in a 2.0 world Being responsible and innovative educators in their respective schools, four partners, after careful analysis of their 14 025,00
48 2016-1-FR01-KA219-024154_3 Marijampolės Sūduvos gimnazija R. Juknevičiaus g. 32, 68208 Marijampolė Making Art Together Brings Us Closer The project “Making Art Together Brings Us Closer” (MATBUC) originates from two observations shared by four 21 500,00
49 2016-1-FR01-KA219-024279_4 Vilniaus Pilaitės gimnazija Įsruties g. 3, 06218 Vilnius Des jeunes Européens qui font l’histoire The current context is pervaded not only by many doubts expressed by a part of the public opinion concerning the 30 465,00
50 2016-1-HR01-KA219-022161_3 Tauragės „Šaltinio“ progimnazija J. Tumo-Vaižganto g. 123, 72232 Tauragė Maths is Life Maths is LIFE (MAIL) is a project whose primary focus is on showing and demonstrating that Math in reality is omnipresent 26 560,00
51 2016-1-HR01-KA219-022209_3 Klaipėdos Vitės pagrindinė mokykla Švyturio g. 2, 92246 Klaipėda We, the Kids of the EU, believe… We, the Kids of the EU, believe…This project deals with the problems recognized by all the partner schools involved,22 580,00
52 2016-1-HU01-KA219-022921_4 Šiaulių Lieporių gimnazija V. Grinkevičiaus g. 22, 78254 Šiauliai Getting Science Closer to Students Getting Science Closer to Students Five secondary schools from Hungary, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Sweden established 18 970,00
53 2016-1-HU01-KA219-022956_3 Klaipėdos Vitės pagrindinė mokykla Švyturio g. 2, 92246 Klaipėda Here We Come! Our ‘Here We Come!’ – project title refers to the new generation with an urgent need of foreign language skills as one 19 240,00
54 2016-1-IE01-KA219-016902_2 Klaipėdos r. Endriejavo pagrindinė mokykla Mokyklos g. 21, 96301 Endriejavas, Klaipėdos r. “Learn and Play with ICT” We are a primary school project for children aged 4 – 12 that aims to produce digital learning materials with a strong 17 240,00
55 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024243_3 Druskininkų „Ryto“ gimnazija Klonio g. 2, 66102 Druskininkai Consumer Awareness for Students in Europe CASE stands for Consumption Awareness for Students in Europe. As this acronym communicates, the project will 17 675,00
56 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024443_3 Vilniaus Juzefo Ignacijaus Kraševskio gimnazija Rugiagėlių g. 15, 11109 Vilnius Geocaching In and Out the Classroom – Minds on the Move Geocaching In and Out the Classroom – Minds on the MoveWe are 7 partner schools (with general education and vocational 22 130,00
57 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024515_3 Šiaulių Lieporių gimnazija V. Grinkevičiaus g. 22, 78254 Šiauliai Ict, Non-formal learning, Creativity and Life skills. Universal Democracy for Entrepreneurship BACKGROUNDIn the beginning of the 21st century, Europe was a land of opportunities, just 10 years later the refrain 25 485,00
58 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024650_5 Kauno Šančių pagrindinė mokykla Vokiečių g. 164, 45299 Kaunas Think… act….and make a better world. It is necessary to improve the quality of education system in order to give appropriate answers to the modern society 23 215,00
59 2016-1-IT02-KA219-024689_4 Molėtų gimnazija Jaunimo g. 5, 33127 Molėtai Innovative Generation Context/backgroundTo get the European economy back on track the European Union needs to improve its performance 24 245,00
60 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023121_1 Vilniaus inžinerijos licėjus Antakalnio g. 120, 10200 Vilnius My World – in the drop of water Taking into consideration that both – The European Commission and Ministry of Science and Education of Lithuania 25 515,00
61 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023125_1 Kauno r. Karmėlavos lopšelis-darželis „Žilvitis“ Vilniaus g. 71, 54449 Karmėlavos mstl., Kauno r. Children’s mission: Europe without borders! We are born into a culture and through socialization processes we learn about our culture which ultimately represents 20 715,00
62 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023125_4 Kauno sanatorinis lopšelis-darželis „Pušynėlis“ Vaidoto g. 7A, 45388 Kaunas Children’s mission: Europe without borders! We are born into a culture and through socialization processes we learn about our culture

63 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023126_1 Šilutės r. Vilkyčių pagrindinė mokykla Veiviržo g. 16, 99369 Vilkyčiai, Šilutės r. Social Inclusion by Volunter and Entrepreneur Activities Our project aims at developing the entrepreneurial skills of students by means of the method “learning through making”, 27 430,00

64 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023129_1 Kretingos suaugusiųjų ir jaunimo mokymo centras J. Pabrėžos g. 8, 97129 Kretinga HEALTHY WE – FUTURE GUARANTEE CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVESThe topic of the project, Healthy Lifestyle, comes as a result of data collected in the 24 500,00
65 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023136_1 Kretingos Marijono Daujoto pagrindinė mokykla Vilniaus g. 12, 97108 Kretinga Entrepreneurship: a step to the future Fast changing technological, economic, political environment encourages educating young people in the spirit of free 17 295,00
66 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023141_1 Šilutės Pamario pagrindinė mokykla Žalgirio g. 16, 99171 Šilalė Influence of Kinesthetic Teaching and Learning Upon the Development of the Students’ Educational Quality Our Project title is “Influence of Kinesthetic Teaching and Learning Upon the Development of the Students’ Educational 30 885,00
67 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023144_1 Kauno „Vyturio“ gimnazija Taikos pr. 51, 50428 Kaunas INCLUSION ON THE WAY TO EUROPE There are five schools from Lithuania, Sweden, Romania, Italy and Turkey in the project. It concerns pupils aged 27 090,00
68 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023163_1 Plungės Senamiesčio mokykla Minijos g. 5, 90161 Plungė Learning through Outdoor Experience In recent years, researches have shown that children grow weaker as computers have replaced most outdoor activities. 20 500,00
69 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023185_1 VšĮ Kauno Juozo Urbšio katalikiška pagrindinė mokykla Partizanų g. 68, 49367 Kaunas Inventions and cultural behaviour The distinguishing feature of the project is motivating students’ interest in Science and Maths through analyzing the 26 570,00
70 2016-1-LT01-KA219-023250_1 Vilniaus Šilo specialioji mokykla Šilo g. 15, 10317 Vilnius I Am Prosperous European research shows that inclusive education for special needs children is facing a certain resistance from educators 25 245,00
71 2016-1-LV01-KA219-022656_3 Tauragės suaugusiųjų mokymo centras Laisvės g. 19, 72305 Tauragė ICT for minimizing dropout According to the latest research, one of the most important reasons of dropouts in education is the lack of lifelong 22 310,00
72 2016-1-LV01-KA219-022683_5 Pakruojo „Atžalyno“ gimnazija P. Mašioto g. 1, 83143 Pakruojis Effective Methods for Strengthening the Learning Process in Teaching Science The schools from Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Italy and Turkey are pursued an objective to strengthen the learning 16 670,00
73 2016-1-NL01-KA219-022882_6 Radviliškio Lizdeikos gimnazija Lizdeikos g. 6C, 82180 Radviliškis <Real Maths Talk> Why do we talk in maths? We talk in maths to:- Clarify thinking- Think through ideas- Express thoughts and opinions- 26 250,00
74 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026115_4 Plungės „Babrungo“ pagrindinė mokykla Dariaus ir Girėno g. 38E, 90001 Plungė Health4Life In the past children used to spend all days outside playing various sports. Nowadays, they spend most of their time 22 675,00
75 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026225_2 Panevėžio „Saulėtekio“ progimnazija Statybininkų g. 24, 37351 Panevėžys Zielona Europa The main tasks of the project are to; develop cooperation among the schools, enrich teaching innovative skills, arouse 18 400,00
76 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026247_2 Klaipėdos r. Priekulės Ievos Simonaitytės gimnazija Klaipedos g. 20, 96341 Priekulė, Klaipėdos r. Home alone The project „Home alone” deals with the issues of alienation and loneliness of a young man in the modern world. 21 140,00
77 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026260_5 Vilniaus Tuskulėnų gimnazija Tuskulėnų g. 31, 09219 Vilnius HEALTY CITIZENS FOR A HEALTHY FUTURE CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVESThe topic of the project, Healthy Lifestyle, comes as a result of data collected in the 24 345,00
78 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026397_3 Panevėžio Juozo Balčikonio gimnazija Respublikos g. 47, 35170 Panevėžys Keep IT, stay FIT! ICT & healthy life style in our schools. Project “Keep IT, stay FIT! ICT & Helathy life style in our schools.” is an answer to needs identified by partner schools 28 400,00
79 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026473_3 Kedainių r. Labūnavos pagrindinė mokykla Barupės g. 2, 58176 Labūnava, Pelėdnagių sen., Kėdainių r. C.L.E.V.E.R. – Children Learn English Very Easily and Rejoyce The quality of early childhood education and care is very important in present times because children have to be prepared 18 110,00
80 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026498_3 Šiaulių Medelyno progimnazija Birutės g. 40, 76189 Šiauliai My Little Europe The project is to provide opportunities for cultural integration, ignite the passion for knowledge and learning about 19 635,00
81 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026551_5 Utenos Vyturių progimnazija Sėlių g. 45, 28203 Utena YOUR HISTORY IS OUR HISTORY! In today’s world, we can observe sudden and rapid changes therefore we are obliged to emphasize the importance 20 790,00
82 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026557_4 Panevėžio 5-oji gimnazija Danutės g. 12, 36235 Panevėžys Reversed Roles at School: Flipped Classroom and Learning Through Teaching The project is a cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices between 7 European schools from Poland 20 890,00
83 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026585_5 Kauno Tado Ivanausko progimnazija Vėtrungės g. 1, 48135 Kaunas STEM – kluczem do sukcesu w edukacji dzieci i młodzieży The 21st century is the time when access to information is so easy and common that learning facts and statistical data 25 670,00
84 2016-1-PT01-KA219-022971_3 Visagino „Žiburio“ pagrindinė mokykla Energetikų g. 56, 31226 Visaginas «European Rainbow: A Guide to teach European Citizenship» We believe European Citizenship learning is a transversal but crucial topic, especially nowadays, when we see so 19 705,00
85 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024436_5 Kauno šv. Pranciškaus gimnazija Bitininkų g. 31, 46376 Kaunas ECOLOGICAL LITERACY Global consumption of fossil fuels increases due to developing technology, increasing population. Greenhouse gas 19 395,00
86 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024515_4 Kedainių profesinio rengimo centras Šėtos g. 105, 58117 Kėdainiai The Virtual Universe We Want The project addresses students aged between 12 and 17, whose generations were born and have been raised in the 20 365,00
87 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024626_4 Kauno Jono Basanavičiaus gimnazija Šarkuvos g. 28, 48168 Kaunas MOVING MINDS THROUGH MOVIES CONTEXTThe current technological era in which our adolescents were born has provided them with the necessary 24 120,00
88 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024769_2 Kauno Tado Ivanausko progimnazija Vėtrungės g. 1, 48135 Kaunas SUPEER! – Science. Utility. Practice. Experiment. Exploration. Result. The global objective of the project is to develop the learning autonomy of primary-school students through innovative 25 515,00
89 2016-1-SK01-KA219-022501_3 Lazdijų mokykla-darželis „Vyturėlis“ Senamiesčio g. 8, 67105 Lazdijai School can be fun By the time pupils reach higher grades of elementary school, many of them are loosing their interest for learning. 21 895,00
90 2016-1-SK01-KA219-022506_5 Šiaulių „Saulėtekio“ gimnazija Lieporių g. 2, 78244 Šiauliai Euconnectour Marcel Proust, the French novelist said: “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new lands but in seeing 19 175,00
91 2016-1-SK01-KA219-022538_3 Prienų r. Išlaužo pagrindinė mokykla Mokyklos g. 1, 59305 Išlaužo k., Prienų r. Beware of Endless Wealth; Art is Revising European Values! The primary schools; from TURKEY, LITHUANIA, SLOVAKIA, SPAIN, ROMANIA will create an Erasmus+ 19 475,00
92 2016-1-TR01-KA219-033889_5 Raseinių r. Ariogalos gimnazija Vytauto g. 94, 60260 Ariogala, Raseinių r. BULLYING FREE MINDS Bullying is a conscious, desirous, intentional and unfriendly behaviour to harm others. The project aim to understand 23 540,00
93 2016-1-TR01-KA219-034002_4 Joniškio r. Gasčiūnų pagrindinė mokykla Mokyklos g. 5, 84246 Gasčiūnų k., Joniškio r. Back to School Life Early school leaving (ESL) is a multi-faceted and complex problem caused by a cumulative process of disengagement. 23 750,00
94 2016-1-TR01-KA219-034003_3 Ukmergės Užupio pagrindinė mokykla Linų g. 4, 20107 Ukmergė Practice Makes Perfect Our project with 5 instution from different 5 country in Europe (Turkey, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania. 17 500,00
95 2016-1-TR01-KA219-034037_3 Marijampolės „Ryto“ pagrindinė mokykla Mokyklos g. 22, 68262 Marijampolė SCHOOLS ARE MORE FUN WITH FINE ARTS We have observed that the involvement of commonly excluded students in the fine arts, specifically in the community 28 420,00
96 2016-1-TR01-KA219-034092_3 Kauno Milikonių pagrindinė mokykla Baltijos g. 30, 48248 Kaunas ECO FRIENDLY ACTIONS “Better environment better tomorrow” as environmental care is the most profitable investment for a safer future for 13 235,00
97 2016-1-TR01-KA219-034308_5 Kelmės „Aukuro“ pagrindinė mokykla J. Janonio g. 9, 86132 Kelmė A Call from Schools ‘For the Less Destruction Let’s Reduce the Consumption’ This project aims to spread the awareness of resource consumption in local, regional , national and European levels 20 885,00
98 2016-1-TR01-KA219-034391_5 Kauno buitinių paslaugų ir verslo mokykla V. Krėvės pr. 84, 50385 Kaunas Early Warning, Early Solution Early school leaving (ESL) is one of the main challenges of education which causes unemployment, social exclusion. 13 455,00
99 2016-1-TR01-KA219-034460_4 Kelmės Jono Graičiūno gimnazija Raseinių g. 1, 86140 Kelmė Music Unites Students and Inspires Change BACKGROUND:M.U.S.I.C. (Music Unites Students and Inspires Change) originates from an idea and belief common 24 890,00
100 2016-1-TR01-KA219-034823_2 Mažeikių Kalnėnų pagrindinė mokykla Pavenčių g. 3, 89187 Mažeikiai English Teaching With Innovative Web Tools Turkey, Romania, Latvia,Lithuania and Italy will carry out a project aiming at integrating ICT into language learning.16 655,00
101 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024247_5 Vilniaus Vladislavo Sirokomlės vidurinė mokykla Linkmenų g. 8, 09300 Vilnius Who do we think we are? Exploring culture and migration in the European Union “Who do we think we are?” explores culture, stereotyped attitudes to migration and challenges intolerance of difference. 22 100,00
102 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024314_4 Šiaulių sporto gimnazija Vilniaus g. 297, 76329 Šiauliai SHARING EUROPEAN VALUES USING FILM AND CINEMA Of the goals epitomized by the European Union in its Agenda 2020, the areas of education, employment and social 23 835,00
103 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024320_3 Vilniaus Levo Karsavino mokykla Justiniškių g. 43, 05128 Vilnius Healthy Body Healthy Mind – promoting health, fitness and well-being Our project is linked to the prudent European objectives developed in the strategic framework of European cooperation 22 045,00
104 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024342_10 Alytaus „Vilties“ mokykla-darželis Volungės g. 28, 63182 Alytus Embedding an innovative Values Led School Culture. This project draws together two groups of primary schools in the rural cities of Alytus, Lithuania and Exeter, Great 15 000,00
105 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024342_2 Alytaus Šaltinių pagrindinė mokykla Lauko g. 23, 62338 Alytus Embedding an innovative Values Led School Culture. This project draws together two groups of primary schools in the rural cities of Alytus, Lithuania and Exeter, Great 18 300,00
106 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024342_3 Alytaus „Sakalėlio“ pradinė mokykla Jaunimo g. 1, 63405 Alytus Embedding an innovative Values Led School Culture. This project draws together two groups of primary schools in the rural cities of Alytus, Lithuania and Exeter, Great 15 300,00
107 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024342_5 Alytaus Senamiesčio pradinė mokykla Birutės g. 26, 62151 Alytus Embedding an innovative Values Led School Culture. This project draws together two groups of primary schools in the rural cities of Alytus, Lithuania and Exeter, Great 15 300,00
108 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024342_9 Alytaus „Drevinuko“ mokykla-darželis Topolių g. 19, 63334 Alytus Embedding an innovative Values Led School Culture. This project draws together two groups of primary schools in the rural cities of Alytus, Lithuania and Exeter, Great 17 300,00
109 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024364_3 Šiaulių „Romuvos“ gimnazija Dainų g. 7, 78325 Šiauliai Sport, Health, Addiction and Relaxation in Education Our project has developed from research we have carried out into the issues facing young people and the impact this 19 425,00
110 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024366_4 Alytaus „Volungės“ pagrindinė mokykla Volungės g. 2, 63181 Alytus Risk Taking in the Classroom The aim of the project is to develop ‘Risk taking’ by teachers in order to promote innovative and creative learning 13 000,00
111 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024366_5 Alytaus Likiškėlių pagrindinė mokykla Likiškėlių g. 12, 63162 Alytus Risk Taking in the Classroom The aim of the project is to develop ‘Risk taking’ by teachers in order to promote innovative and creative learning 20 750,00
112 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024380_2 Šiaulių r. Kužių lopšelis-darželis „Vyturėlis“ Statybininkų g. 7, 80266 Kužių mstl., Šiaulių r. MORAL VALUES IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION Teaching ethical values should start among preschool children but a quick examination of kindergarten curricula shows 20 850,00
113 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024384_4 Jurbarko r. Seredžiaus Stasio Šimkaus mokykla-daugiafunkcis centras J. Marcinkevičiaus g. 1, 74424 Jurbarko r. sav., Seredžiaus mstl. SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND VOLUNTEERING Our project aims at developing the social entrepreneurship skills of students by means of the method learning through 22 730,00
114 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024415_6 Radviliškio Vaižganto gimnazija Vaižganto g. 29, 82148 Radviliškis There’s no planet B: Stop Climate Change The function of school education is not confined to the remit of an academic curriculum, for schooling also plays a 10 400,00
115 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024418_4 Kelmės specialioji mokykla Liolių g. 19, 86185 Kelmė Sounds Around Us Our project called ‘Sounds Around Us’ combines Science, ICT and Music to challenge our children to plan, design 23 700,00
116 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024434_3 Kelmės „Kūlverstuko“ lopšelis-darželis A. Mackevičiaus g. 21, 86131 Kelmė ‘Learning beyond the classroom walls’ ‘Learning beyond the classroom walls’ is a project that will develop innovative ways in which teachers can deliver 23 320,00
117 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024532_2 Radviliškio r. Baisogalos gimnazija Mokyklos g. 25, 82323 Baisogalos mstl., Radviliškio r. Make Every Step Count During the development of our project all participant institutions will encourage everyone to realize the importance 25 905,00
118 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024580_2 Prienų r. Stakliškių gimnazija Prienų g. 8, 59370 Stakliškės YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES IN EUROPEAN SCHOOLS Our century has been called the “Century of Knowledge”. Therefore, schools and individuals assume that social issues 23 850,00
119 2016-1-UK01-KA219-024628_2 VšĮ „Saulės“ privati gimnazija R. Jankausko g. 17, 04315 Vilnius HOW OUR HISTORY UNITES US This project will be based on professional exchanges between teachers and leaders wh

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