MOOC Essentials of youth policy E-Learning

MOOC Essentials of youth policy


8 October – 18 November 2018 | online, France

Online course the essential elements of youth policy, its steps (development, delivery, evaluation) and impact in the lives of young people. You can enrol here


EU – CoE youth partnership (NGO/Others)

This activity is for participants from:

Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Other countries in the world, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

Application deadline (24h CET):

7 October 2018


8 October – 18 November 2018 | online, France

Online course the essential elements of youth policy, its steps (development, delivery, evaluation) and impact in the lives of young people. You can enrol here

How can policies enable young people to be active citizens? How can they support young people to be included in society and to realise their potential and aspirations? Our course will equip learners with the basic competences to engage in youth policy. A youth policy is a strategy by public authorities, providing young people with opportunities for successful integration in society and enabling them to be active and responsible. Learners will learn about the essential elements of youth policy, the steps of youth policy (development, delivery, evaluation), its impact in the lives of young people, and they will reflect on their future steps in youth policy.

By the end of the course, learners will:

– Understand the “basics” of youth policy (concepts and definitions, scope, objectives, actors, European and national levels).
– Become aware of the relevance of the key elements for youth policy (cross-sectoral, knowledge-based, participation, inclusion, youth work).
– Understand how to build a framework for youth policy (identifying key issues, priority areas and themes).
– Understand the major steps for youth policy development, implementation and delivery, and evaluation.
– Reflect on the future of youth policy and their future engagement in youth policy.
– Gain motivation and information about different ways of getting involved in youth policy.

Target Audience: Our course is open and free for anyone interested. We encourage in particular youth policy makers from different levels, youth workers and youth leaders, youth NGOs and youth researchers to join the course.

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