Power of Circle Salto Training Course

Training Course 19-26 August 2017 | Žilina, Slovak Republic

Power of Circle

Power of Circle will be a course with a strong sense of community aiming at youth workers and teachers. We will explore together the idea and uses of circles in education and personal development.


Preles (NGO/Others)

This activity is for participants from:

Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovak Republic, Turkey, United Kingdom

Application deadline:

6 June 2017

Power of Circle

Training Course

19-26 August 2017 | Žilina, Slovak Republic

Power of Circle will be a course with a strong sense of community aiming at youth workers and teachers. We will explore together the idea and uses of circles in education and personal development.

Education needs fresh impulses in order to serve better to young people so they grow up in flexible, responsible, creative, pro-active and empathetic human beings ready for the challenges today and tomorrow world brings.
Current situation in education (both formal and nonformal) is often not reflecting the changes of todays world and offers not enough impulses for youth workers / teachers how they can facilitate learning for today and future needs of individuals and communities. Education is not only about content, but a lot as well about structures and settings. We would like to focus on the second (not leaving the content out of course).
Our aim is to contribute to the spectrum of tools and experiences youth workers / teachers have so they experience and learn how facilitating of learning can look like in less-hierarchical, nature and community based settings.

What might you gain from this experience?

 Experiencing the many ways that circle forms work in education and how this can help everyone involved in the process of learning.
 Inspiration and the confidence to think outside of the box in educational settings.
 The chance to help create an international and diverse community of enquiry.
 The skills to be able to facilitate circles in personal and professional life.
 Knowledge and new ideas through sharing of our educational practice.
 Reflecting on applying what we learn in the service of our communities, our professional and our personal life.

Click here for more information and registration

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