Superannual meeting

This Seminar / Conference is for 50 participants from Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic

and recommended for Youth workers, Trainers, Project managers, Youth Policy Makers, EVS mentors/tutors

Seminar / Conference

29 September – 3 October 2016 | Prague, Czech Republic

The “#EVS20 Superannual meeting” is an event connected with the 20th anniversary of EVS in Central European region.

We want to gather different stakeholders of the EVS system to celebrate the 20 years EVS anniversary, to evaluate its past and present and to contribute to the shaping of its future. The event will have features of conference, workshops, exchange of good practice and non-formal meetings. Experts from the youth field will be involved, as well as representatives of the NAs, Commission and National Authorities.

Participants are encouraged to evaluate EVS on personal, local, national and international level and based on that to bring some considerations and perspectives for the future, which can be passed to relevant decision-makers for implementation.

This event will be also linked to national EVS annual meetings.



• To celebrate the 20years EVS anniversary
• To discuss and evaluate the developments in EVS in last 20 years, its strengths and weaknesses
• To promote and consult the good practices and methods used in EVS
• To attempt to catch a glimpse of what is ahead of us and how we can get ready for it
• To collect and suggest possible improvements in EVS to all stakeholders.

The target group of the meeting are:

• EVS coordinators from SO, RO, CO
• ex-EVS volunteers
• EVS TEC trainers
• EVS accreditors
• representatives from the NAs working with EVS
• representatives from the National Authorities
• representatives from the European Commission

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