Tackling Intolerance and Discrimination – A Tool Box
|Tackling Intolerance and Discrimination – A Tool Box
Training Course
2-9 December 2016 | Giovinazzo, Italy
Within the European Union approximately 32 million people are foreigners, which accounts for 6.4 % of the total EU population. Non-nationals in these countries sum up to 75% of the total EU foreign population. More than thirty percent of foreigners living in the EU member states are nationals of other EU countries. However, the majority of foreigners in each EU country are third-country nationals. Nowadays discrimination takes many forms in modern Europe. People are discriminated for origin, their religion, sexual orientation, their skin color, their gender, and even the school they visited and the district they live in. Discrimination often translates into fewer chances for personal development, weakened self-confidence and as a consequence into limited opportunities for employment. For these reasons many civil society organizations work in the field of antidiscrimination by fostering tolerance and aiming to empower young people to overcome the societal stereotypes that hamper the personal freedom and right for self-development.
The training course “Tackling Intolerance and Discrimination- A Tool Box” aims to provide youth leaders and educators with new ideas for workshops and training sessions in their work with marginalized young people facing discrimination in their community.
Along this line, the training course intends to share methods of anti-discrimination work with its participants in order to strengthen their daily work with young people. Workshops, simulation exercises, role plays and debates will be exercised with the participants to give them a learning experience and to explain them their strength and weaknesses.
The participants will receive time to design own exercises based on the made experiences can be applied within their programme activities on local level or in international encounters.
Spirit of Freedom Italy cooperates in the frame of this project with partners from France, Denmark, The Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Malta and Croatia. All in all 28 participants will be hosted in Giovinazzo from the 02nd to 09th of December 2016 (including travel days).