European Commission Sample Forms For Erasmus Plus 2018

Please note that these documents apply to the 2018 Call for Proposals.

The 2017 documents2016 documents2015 documents and 2014 documents have been archived.

Models of the electronic application form are available for consultation to assist with preparations for applications.

KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals

KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

KA3 – Support for Policy Reform

Jean Monnet Actions:

Sport actions:


The following standard templates must be attached to applications forms, in accordance with the requirements set in the Programme Guide for each action.

Key Action 1: Template for the timetable of activities (young people or youth workers) that must be attached to the application form for the Mobility of young people and youth workers.

Key Action 2Template for the timetable of activities that must be attached to the application form for Strategic Partnerships.

Key Action 3Template for the timetable of activities that must be attached to the application form for Structured Dialogue – meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth.

Mandates: If applicable, partner organisations must sign mandates by which the coordinator is authorised to act on their behalf during the implementation of the project. Mandates must be attached to the application form. A template of the mandate (in .doc and .odt) with guidelines on its use is available.

Other supporting documents

For grant support to travel costs in the Erasmus+ Programme, travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator.

If you are applying for Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries, please check the Dos and don’ts for applicant higher education institutions.

All organisations taking part in a project must be registered in the Unique Registration Facility (URF). Organisations should register in URF through the Participant Portal. To sign up to the portal, users will have to open an account with EU Login. More information on using the portal is available from the Portal’s frequently asked questions, as well as the User Guide.

Technical guidelines (November 2017) to help applicants complete the electronic forms for actions managed by National Agencies.

Guidelines for completing the web forms and guidelines explaining the web application process.


Additional higher education documents

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