KA1 Course for Integration of Immigrant Children in Schools

Integration of Immigrant Children in Schools

This course will be held in Prague, Helsinki, Barcelona and London. Minimum 10 participants needed for the course. For 5 days course is 350 Euro and for 10 days 700 Euro.

Erasmus+ Course

Course Overview

This course responds to the important global issue and aims to provide support for teachers and other educational professionals who wish to understand their role in addressing it. You will generate classroom-based strategies for effective integration of immigrant children and gain skills to create inclusive and safe multi-cultural environment within your classroom.

Course Methodology

Our course is designed as “learning by doing” training where you will share your experiences within a group composed of professionals from different countries who have similar needs. The content and fundamental information will be introduced through thematic modules by several tutors.


  • Module 01: Specific Problems and Strategies in Selected European Countries
  • Module 02: Intercultural Education
  • Module 03: Inclusive Approaches to Promote Tolerance and Diversity
  • Module 04: Overcoming Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Module 05: Approaching Immigrant Children’s Parents
  • Module 06: Effective Integration into New Environment
  • Module 07: Various Teaching Methods for Students Active Involvement
  • Module 08: Scaffolding Strategies for Learners from Different Language Background
  • Module 09: Differentiating Instruction
  • Module 10: Assessment in Mixed Ability Classes
  • Module 11: Games for Multicultural Classes
  • Module 12: Designing Multicultural Projects
  • Module 13: Effective Use of ICT
  • Module 14: Individual Projects and Presentation

Guided City Tour

Learning Outcomes

  • Be aware of reasons for immigration in global context, identify risk factors and barriers for successful integration of immigrant learner’ into education.
  • Understand advantages and disadvantages of approaches such as inclusion, integration or mainstreaming, promote universal access to education with regards to non-discriminatory, democratic values.
  • Implement and evaluate appropriate action strategies according to community needs in order to prevent bias, school dropouts and anti-social behaviour of learners.
  • Gain techniques for working with heterogeneous classrooms and communities, deal with increased diversity of learners, especially with immigrant children.
  • Apply student-centred, innovative teaching methods which are work-based or project based, reduce low achievement in basic competences and develop learners lifelong learning skills.
  • Learn to motivate, guide and effectively assess students from different socio-cultural and linguistic backgrounds, know the tools to differentiate instructions and classroom tasks.
  • Strengthen professional profile, gain motivation and confidence in responding adequately to current global issues, revise and develop key competences, re-ignite lifelong learning strategies.
  • Gain understanding of strategies and systems dealing with Integration of immigrant children in different countries, embed common professional values.
  • Meet colleagues of different nationalities within the EU, engage in cross-cultural learning experience, exchange ideas, build a network for future international cooperation.
  • Improve communication skills, reinforce foreign language competencies, broaden professional vocabulary.

General Course Information

Before the Course:

You would be required to fill a Questionnaire providing information on your level of English, teaching background, qualifications, and previous experience.
You will receive “ITC Course Participant Handbook” where you will find all necessary information.

After the Course:

Course evaluation form
Course materials in electronical form / Other materials for self-study and dissemination of good practice

For more information you can click here

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