This multilateral exchange took place in Reunion Island between 10 and 20 July 2015. 60 youth from 15 to 25 years old were gather together in the East of the island in order to exchange about cultural diversity. We used art of cooking as connecting thread.
Participants came from Austria, Germany, Belgium, Danemark and obviously Reunion Island.
During 10 days, through thematics activities linked with traditional dances, cooking, different cultural practices, reflection workshops and visits of witness sites of our island history. The youth appreciated the « living together » of Reunion Island.
Meetings with the local population enabled to understand better our history, our origines et above all to end preconceived ideas.
Local partners accompanied us all along the project. Two municipalities offered us a welcome inside town halls, an leisure activity on their territory and a logistic support. A local brand supported us with a donation of foodstuff. A bus company gave us a preferential fare adapted with our budget.
We also had the support of the Region Reunion who offered us free tickets for volcano museum. This project mobilized a lot of volunteers who permitted to realize it successfully. Voluntary leaders of our association, supported by other european leaders put in place playful activities so as to create a group dynamic to held the youth integrate themselves and act actively. Friends and parents helped us for our workshops that followed the exchange’s theme. Small local associations came to animate workshop’s about traditions, island’s history and slavery’s history. Other members of the association supported by youth and parents members hold workshops about spices and traditional cooking. Everyone put one’s oar in by voluntarily and happily implying. Every participant was able to take part in it with spirit and curiosity.
Share times carried on all along the project. Other youth joined us inside the practical and technical organisation of the stay. There was an extraordinary passion around this multilateral exchange. This informal learning time was rich of contributions and discoveries for everyone. Lot of them had the chance to become aware of their cultural identity and appreciate the difference with respect and mutual comprehension

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